44 jenkins node label
› doc › pipelinePipeline: Nodes and Processes This block may be executed only on the Jenkins built-in node linux-machine-42 This block may be executed only on the agent with the name linux-machine-42 (or on any machine that happens to have a label called linux-machine-42) windows && jdk9 › doc › bookPipeline Syntax node. agent { node { label 'labelName' } } behaves the same as agent { label 'labelName' }, but node allows for additional options (such as customWorkspace). docker. Execute the Pipeline, or stage, with the given container which will be dynamically provisioned on a node pre-configured to accept Docker-based Pipelines, or on a node matching the optionally defined label parameter.
› doc › bookGlossary The primary Jenkins application (jenkins.war) which provides the basic web UI, configuration, and foundation upon which Plugins can be built. Downstream. A configured Pipeline or job which is triggered as part of the execution of a separate Pipeline or Job. Executor. A slot for execution of work defined by a Pipeline or job on a Node. A Node ...
Jenkins node label
› ops › jenkins-job-scheduleScheduling a Job in Jenkins | Baeldung Apr 16, 2021 · The first statement, node(‘master') in the script above, indicates that the job will be executed on a node named master, which is the default node on the Jenkins server. Let's copy the above script to the Text Box in Pipeline section: Let's save this configuration. Now, there's only one thing that's left out. plugins.jenkins.io › nodelabelparameterNode and Label parameter | Jenkins plugin This plugin adds two new parameter types to job configuration - node and label. The new parameters allow dynamic selection of the node or label where a job should be executed. Description. The plugin can configure additional parameters for a job. These new parameter types are 'Node' and 'Label'. stackoverflow.com › questions › 36934028Get absolute path to workspace directory in Jenkins Pipeline ... Apr 29, 2016 · node('label'){ // now you are on slave labeled with 'label' def workspace = WORKSPACE // ${workspace} will now contain an absolute path to job workspace on slave workspace = env.WORKSPACE // ${workspace} will still contain an absolute path to job workspace on slave // When using a GString at least later Jenkins versions could only handle the ...
Jenkins node label. › createJoin LiveJournal Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; stackoverflow.com › questions › 36934028Get absolute path to workspace directory in Jenkins Pipeline ... Apr 29, 2016 · node('label'){ // now you are on slave labeled with 'label' def workspace = WORKSPACE // ${workspace} will now contain an absolute path to job workspace on slave workspace = env.WORKSPACE // ${workspace} will still contain an absolute path to job workspace on slave // When using a GString at least later Jenkins versions could only handle the ... plugins.jenkins.io › nodelabelparameterNode and Label parameter | Jenkins plugin This plugin adds two new parameter types to job configuration - node and label. The new parameters allow dynamic selection of the node or label where a job should be executed. Description. The plugin can configure additional parameters for a job. These new parameter types are 'Node' and 'Label'. › ops › jenkins-job-scheduleScheduling a Job in Jenkins | Baeldung Apr 16, 2021 · The first statement, node(‘master') in the script above, indicates that the job will be executed on a node named master, which is the default node on the Jenkins server. Let's copy the above script to the Text Box in Pipeline section: Let's save this configuration. Now, there's only one thing that's left out.
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